Friday, July 10, 2020


What do i say here... it feels i have never been a blogger before. Wait what? i was a blogger before?? hahahaha
Let me revamp my blog then and continue this legacy lol

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

ketulusan hati

Sedihku sakitku ku terima
Ku rela ku pasrah jalanku
Ini suratan aku dicoba
Demi rahmat-Mu ku memohon
Ya Allah ridhoi ketulusan hati
Ya Allah beri aku ketabahan
Ya Allah aku sanggup berkorban
Demi rahmat-Mu ya Allah
Ya Allah ridhoi ketulusan hati
Ya Allah beri aku ketabahan
Ya Allah aku sanggup berkorban
Demi rahmat-Mu ya Allah

Saturday, May 22, 2010

pregnancy hadith

If only I had read these hadiths earlier -I wouldn’t have felt so overwhelmed with the idea of being pregnant, especially when you not getting enough moral and emotional support from the people who should really be there for you. These hadiths would have defeinitely calmed, soothed my nerves and anxiety.


· When a woman is pregnant with a child, all the angels will make Istighfar (repentance) on her behalf. Allah SWT will, for each day of her pregnancy, write for her 1000 good deeds and erase from her 1000 bad deeds.

· When a pregnant woman starts to feel the pain from contractions, Allah SWT will write in her records as someone who is doing jihad (spiritual or physical struggle) in His path.

· When a woman becomes pregnant by her husband and he is pleased with her, she obtains the reward of a person engaging in fasting for Allah SWT and a person spending the night in ibaadah (worship).

· A woman from the time of pregnancy until childbirth and weaning the baby, is like the Mujahid (someone fighting in the path of Allah, swa) who is stationed on the frontiers of the Islamic land. If she dies during this period, she dies the death of a shahid (martyr).

· Two raka’at salaat performed by a pregnant woman is better than 80 raka’at salaat performed by a non-pregnant woman.

· A woman who is pregnant gets the reward of fasting during the day and of doing ibaadah (worship) during the nights.

· A woman who gives birth gets the reward of 70 years of salaat (prayer) and fasting. For each vein that feels pain, Allah SWT gives her the reward of one accepted hajj (Pilgrimage to Makkah).

· If the woman dies within 40 days of giving birth, she will die as a shahid (matyr).

(Hadith)…….”A woman that dies in her virginity or during her pregnancy or at the time of birth or thereafter (in nifaas) will attain the rank of a martyr”

Nabi(salalaallahu alayhi wassallam) is reported to have also said “…….When her labour pains commence, the inhabitants of the earth and the sky are unaware of the stores of comfort that are prepared for her. When she delivers and breast feeds her child, then she will be granted a reword for every gulp of milk, if she had to remain awake during the night for the sake of the child, she will receive the reword of emancipating seventy slaves in the path of Allah Ta’ala. O Salaamat! Do you know who these women are? They are pious, upright, with a delicate nature yet obedient to their husbands and not ungrateful to them

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

in the train..8.17am

hi im now in the train with my husband going to work as usual. im 8 months pregnant now and my feet are swollen and i always short of breath. cant wait to take my maternity leave which i can start at 13 june10. so about a month, arghh thats a long time to wait.. i just dont want to think about work anymore,it just make me more tired.

oh this month (May) i do alot of shopping but not for myself it is for people's birthday gift. on the 4th my husband's cousin, 10th my bestfriend ros, 15th my sister in-law, 25th my mom and the 29th is my husband's birthday. so can u imagine how much i've spent just for them?

ok my batt is running out so i gotta go now. thanks for reading! =) lurVe*

Friday, March 05, 2010


My body hurts. Now that I'm getting bigger (and bigger) I'm starting to experience all sorts of pains during pregnancy. You know the kind I mean.feeling fatigue, my back hurts, my head hurts, my legs, my belly, even my toes hurt sometimes. Like every other symptom where pregos get, pains during pregnancy are definitely of the all.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

info buai bayi

Pernahkah puan mendengar lagu mendodoikan anak atau lullaby Inggeris Rock-a bye-baby yang berbunyi seperti berikut “When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall, down will come baby, cradle and all?”

Lagu ini menceritakan bagaimana buai itu patah dan jatuh ke bawah membawa bersamanya bayi sekali. Sememangnya tiada tempat yang lebih selamat untuk menidurkan bayi selain dari baby cot.

Buaian boleh menjadi satu punca kepada kecederaan kepala bayi dan boleh mengakibatkan kerosakan pada otak bayi.

Penggunaan buai untuk menidurkan bayi boleh mengakibatkan pendarahan otak atau subdural haemorrhage.

Hakikatnya, kebanyakan kes pendarahan otak subdural yang bukan melibatkan kes penderaan boleh dikaitkan dengan penggunaan buai.

Otak bayi sebenarnya terapung dalam tengkorak dan jika bayi digerakkan dengan kuat, otak akan bergerak pada hala yang bertentangan dengan tengkorak.

Akibatnya, saluran darah yang bersambung pada permukaan otak ke tengkorak pecah menghasilkan pendarahan otak subdural.

Henjutan buai yang perlahan-lahan itu tidak berbahaya tetapi pergerakan melantun buai dengan springnya menghasilkan pergerakan atas bawah seolah-olah seperti menggoyang bayi dalam tangan dengan kuat, menghasilkan kecederaan yang sama.

Hayunan buai juga boleh mengakibatkan kepala bayi terhantuk dinding. Pernah berlaku di mana abang kepada bayi yang berumur dua tahun yang gemar menghayun buai tidak sedar kepala bayi sedang menghentak dinding.

Ada juga kes di mana rangka besi buai jatuh menghempap bayi dan juga spring atau tali putus.

Ada juga bahaya yang lain seperti tercekik atau strangulation. Bila bayi sudah mula memusing badan ia mungkin terjaga dari tidur, memusingkan mukanya ke bawah dan leher boleh tersepit dalam lipatan kain buai.

Hentak kepala (Head banging)

Apabila anak kita mula mengamalkan tabiat hentak/hantuk kepala, kita naik risau dan bimbang mungkinkah ia boleh menyebabkan kerosakan pada otak.

Dua puluh peratus daripada kanak-kanak yang sihat melalui tabiat ini seketika. Lazimnya, umur bermula setahun setengah dan berakhir secara spontan menjelang umur empat tahun.

Lelaki adalah tiga kali lebih kerap memperoleh tabiat ini daripada perempuan. Kanak-kanak yang berusia lebih empat tahun dan masih mempunyai tabiat ini haruslah dibawa menjalani pemeriksaan lanjut.

Selalunya, kanak-kanak meninggalkan tabiat ini dengan sendiri ketika membesar tetapi kita boleh cuba mempercepatkan proses ini dengan mengamalkan cara sambil lewa bila ia berlaku.

Tabiat ini menjadi satu cara kanak-kanak ‘mengugut’ untuk mendapatkan sesuatu atau menarik perhatian. Apabila ia berlaku, kita mesti jangan mengalah dan mengikut segala rentak dan kemahuan mereka.

Pada ketika ia berlaku, kita mesti cuba mengalihkan perhatian kanak-kanak tersebut dan mengubahnya ke aktiviti lain.

Mujurnya, kanak-kanak yang sihat tidak akan mengalami apa-apa kecederaan yang serius dengan tabiat ini.

Rasa kesakitan mengelakkan mereka dari menghentak dengan kuat dan kanak-kanak bawah tiga tahun tidak boleh menghasilkan tekanan atau tenaga yang cukup untuk mendapatkan kerosakan otak.

Kepala kanak-kanak ini boleh menahan trauma yang menjadi kebiasaan ketika belajar jalan dan memanjat. Kanak-kanak sihat yang menghantuk atau menghentakkan kepala akan membesar menjadi remaja yang normal.

* Jawapan disediakan oleh Pakar Perunding Kanak-Kanak, Hospital Pakar Shah Alam, Dr. Mohd. Nazir Abu Bakar.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009 back

hello has been a very long time since im blogging...i bet at this time no one is reading this post.people has forgotten this blog perhaps.heh. somehow i just gonna write..

let me begin 21years old im married n pregnant.alhamdulillaah.. never thought this would be my life..but yeah people plan for life but god destine for it.

im surviving the first trimester of my pregnancy..having bad morning sickness n striving hard to go to work..neglecting soo many things like my husband, house chores n even myself. first time in my life that i dont like to go out from the house. go shopping? eat at cool restaurant? watch movies? too tired for them. all i can do is staying at home lying on my bed.i felt like dying.. but watever it is..i know that its worth it. having a baby has been my dream..since i was a little girl i always dream having my own baby..thinking hows my baby going to look..dress her up and even wear for her make-up. ofcourse i did those things to my dolls. oh i even ironed my doll's hair n it melted.haha

im pity for my husband..he has to take care of me, watch whenever i vomit in the toilet. i know sometimes hes stressed up n forgotten that im pregnant n having bad sickness. he even tell me to do house chores while im lying on my bed feeling nausea, headache etc. in the end he will do it himself. heh.

to be continued...